Mission Statement
At Joe.Business, our mission is to empower businesses to reach their full potential by providing innovative, strategic, and customized solutions. We are dedicated to transforming visionary ideas into practical, impactful results. With over three decades of experience across diverse industries, we leverage our expertise in business management, technology integration, and real estate to deliver unparalleled value to our clients. Our commitment is to drive success through collaboration, creativity, and a relentless pursuit of excellence. We believe in dreaming big, designing smart, and delivering beyond expectations.
About Me
Joseph A. Fansler - A Journey of Innovation and Entrepreneurship
A Story of Perseverance and Vision
It all started when I was a young boy, selling seeds door-to-door. My hard work paid off when I became the top salesman, winning a sleeping bag and other gifts. My entrepreneurial spirit continued as I delivered newspapers, again becoming the top subscription salesman and earning a free summer camp vacation.
From there, I ventured into independent work—shoveling snow, mowing lawns, selling soda bottles, and cleaning bar parking lots. This early hustle led to my first business sale at just 12 years old, selling the bar parking lot cleaning "contract" for $7 and two cases of soda bottles.
At 15, I diversified my efforts by shoveling horse stalls, cleaning laundromats and local shops, and trapping muskrats for the skinner. By 16, I was building electric motors and renovating houses while maintaining the highest academic level in high school, graduating early. These labors funded my first mini-bike at 12, my first moped at 14, my first car at 16, and my first house at 19.
University life followed, where I studied criminal justice and art, my passion, at Indiana University, majoring in comparative literature. While working at Kinko’s Copies, I began my commercial business studies. My entrepreneurial mind often outpaced traditional academia, so I continued to develop innovative ideas.
I took over Midwest Diversified, a national barter territory from Barter Exchange Inc., and managed a 15-story office building in downtown Indianapolis. Here, I founded J. Allen's Business Café. In 1993, I developed Worldwide Manufacturers, an early concept of an online shopping platform and virtual mall, complete with a 150-seat virtual classroom and conference center. Despite skeptics saying no one would study or shop online, we now know they were wrong.
I completed my master's degree and started Joe Copy and Copy Bean, where I consulted businesses, created a local coupon magazine, and inspired entrepreneurs. My journey then took me to Florida, where I became a premier real estate broker, achieving top sales at Coldwell Banker and other brands. I developed American Real Estate and Mortgage, leading it to become the top flat fee listing brand in the country, revolutionizing the industry.
My ventures continued as I renovated homes and lived near the beach, eventually moving to southern France. Here, we developed brands like Worldwide Outlets and American Real Estate and Mortgage, now 4thishouse.com. With the rise of AI, my 35 years of development are coming to fruition, integrating all learned skills and experiences.
Today, my ventures include:
- JoeTroubadour.com for music
- ThymeForChange.com for coaching and eBooks
- GoCarcassonne.com for concierge services
- BasilLeafChronicles.com for travel and culinary experiences
- Joe.Solutions and Joe.Business for our current models bringing everything together
I have decided to consolidate and share my 50 years of experience, successes, and failures to benefit others. We are entering a new dawn in history with new tools and opportunities. As the song "I Got a Feeling" by Joe Troubadour goes, "I gotta feeling this life’s a gift, oh ya."
Join us on this journey and explore our larger brands like WorldwideOutlets.com, BombayTroubadours.com, GlobalConnectEnterprise.com, and many more. Together, we can build better.
Joseph A. Fansler
Visionary Entrepreneur and Innovator